Between March 7 and 14, students will be able to amuse themselves with tons of activities, which help raise money for the good cause, during the so-called RAGweek. The RAGweek board announced the program of the festivities last Friday.
Original text: Vincent Veerbeek
Translation: Lorin Posthumus
After a kick-off party next Tuesday the RAGweek will officially start on Wednesday with a ‘fancy fair’ on the Erasmusplein. Several associations will load their booths with food and drinks, but also games and ‘resumé-checks’. Besides these and countless other activities organized by various student organizations, there are also a lot of initiatives to raise money by RAGweek themselves. For instance, there will be a “RAGbar” at the Cultuurcafé where you can buy a home brewed RAGweek-beer. For every meal bought at the University’s food venues during the RAGweek, students can donate 50 cents under the name “RAGsmakelijk”. A new event will take place on the last day of the RAGweek: the “RAGchelous Cantus” at the Steven’s Church. The week will be closed off with a big party at the Villa van Schaeck, after which the organization can begin counting the money that has been raised.
The money raised this year will be donated to ‘Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie’ (an organization for suicide prevention) and ‘ACNS projecthulp’ (a child support program in Sri Lanka).