This summer, The Refter will close her doors for a thorough makeover. Last week, more news was announced about what is going to happen at the university restaurant over the next few months.
As of last week, The Refter is offering an adapted product range to avoid having to throw away food. ‘This way, we want to make sure we will not be left with all kinds of food when we close’, says David Niessen, head of the department Retail and Catering of the Facilities & Services Department. ‘In the renewed Refter, a new selection of products will be on sale. That is why we want to inform people that some products might run out over the next few weeks.’ As soon as the holiday begins on July 6, The Refter will close its doors. Over the summer, people can visit one of the other food establishments on campus, like Het Gerecht in the Grotius building.
After the summer, a small section of The Refter will re-open with temporary facilities, but what this will look like is not yet clear at the moment according to Niessen. ‘Our goal is to be able to offer a good lunch and a proper warm meal as usual. Customers should be able to get a full package, but it will not be as widespread as it is now.’ Which part of The Refter will open exactly depends on how far construction has progressed at that point. ‘When the new academic year begins, we want to be able to offer something at the heart of campus’, says Niesen.
Renovations will last until the end of the year, after which the renewed Refter will open its doors as a food court in January 2019. Over the past few months, visitors were able to give input about what the new Refter should come to look like. Although there are plans, Niessen cannot comment on them right now, because everything has not been finalized. ‘If we communicate it now, people might have forgotten after the summer. That is why we want to announce our exact plans once the new students have started.’