Last week Tuesday, the Radboud University (RU) posted an exciting animation video, displaying the changes that will occur on campus following the demolition of the buildings in the Thomas van Aquinostraat.
Original text: Vincent Veerbeek
Translation: Marissa Aarts
The video, which includes a catchy tune, shows how the TvA-buildings will be demolished over the course of 2018. After the demolition, a new building for the Faculty of Social Sciences will arise from the dust, which should be ready by 2020. It will be the most sustainable building on campus, equipped with solar panels and geothermal heating, as a result of which it can run on renewable energy. The proceedings will start in February next year, but the first wrecking ball will not hit the gray concrete until the summer. Lampposts, bicycle racks and other street furniture that surround TvA right now will not become museum objects, but will be given a second life on the grounds of the Berchmanianum. This former monastery will also come to serve as a university buidling.
With the closing of the TvA buildings approaching, the relocation of the Nijmegen School of Management to the renewed Gymnasion is also getting closer. The first moving boxes have been brought to the sports center earlier this week, and the new building will be used as of January.