Between May 23 and 29, students of Radboud University can vote for a new…
Radboud University
AchtergrondArtikelenBladartikelenEnglishOpinie & Achtergrond
Internationalization: should we slam on the brakes? All about the Balanced Internationalisation Act
Last summer, Demissionary Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf presented the Balanced…
ArtikelenEnglishIngezondenOpinie & Achtergrond
[Opinion]: ‘Irresponsible to simplify this conflict to “genocide” and “colonialism”‘
door Daniël Schiepersdoor Daniël SchiepersThe opinion piece by Nijmegen for Palestine propagates dangerous narratives about Israel, history student…
ArtikelenEnglishIngezondenOpinieOpinie & Achtergrond
[Opinion]: Radboud, cut your ties with Israeli universities
Radboud University must sever ties with its Israeli partner universities, Nijmegen for Palestine argues…
From Tuesday morning until Wednesday evening, around twenty-two Dutch and international students are locking…
Friday the 31st of March, Student Union AKKU handed over an urgent letter to…
Monday morning, at eleven o’clock, the New Year’s gathering of Radboud University (RU) took…
Student party for internationals introduced itself
Lees dit artikel hier in het Nederlands. On December 5th, the International Student Party…
The new online ordering system used by the Refter violates the user’s privacy. It…
Before the summer, an investigation into transgressive behavior by a staff member at Radboud…